Wemindji is a Cree community located at the mouth of the Maquatua River, which flows into James Bay. At the heart of this community are friendly, welcoming people, ready to share their stories and traditional way of life with you. The variety of experiences at Wemindji makes it a unique and interesting place to discover the Cree way of life. The community will share with you its knowledge of the area’s unique biodiversity, a knowledge passed down through generations that will help you explore the territory’s natural treasures.
Wemindji Cree Nation
Contact information
Address:25 Gilpin Road, Wemindji, Quebec, Canada J0M 1L0
Phone: 819-978-3030 poste 1200
Mobile: 819-978-7492
E-mail: info.tourism@tawich.ca
Website: www.wemindji.ca
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