Paraski Aventure

Paraski Aventure invites you to discover an extraordinary winter activity that is still little known to the public.
With the help of a sail (traction kite), a harness and a pair of skis (or a snowboard), come and discover the pleasure of gliding over the fields or frozen lakes of the beautiful Quebec City region.
Paraskiing is much more accessible than it sounds.
Most people will be self-sufficient after just one hour of initiation, even if they’ve never skied before.
Following your introductory course, we’ll give you an accreditation card that will allow you to come back and paraski simply by renting a sail by the hour on any day you feel like it.
Paraski Aventure lets you discover an extraordinary winter activity that is still little known to the public.
With the help of a sail (traction kite), a harness and a pair of skis (or a snowboard), come and discover the pleasure of gliding over the frozen fields and lakes of the beautiful Quebec City region.

Contact information

46.754917 -71.345215 Google Maps
Address:1343, rue Provancher, Québec, Québec, Canada  G1Y 1R7

Enter your starting point (address, city, etc.) and click "Get Directions"

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